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Sales and Use Tax Compliance

Sales Tax Compliance

Reduce the time for your monthly sales tax preparation cycle by using SutTax Compliance.
Sales Tax Compliance

Sales Tax Software and Services for Filing with All States

A new way to streamline your tax document generation process, SutTax compliance converts data from your back-end financial system into ready-to-sign documents. SutTax uses rules from local, state, and federal tax laws to make sure that all your tax info is as accurate as possible. It also interfaces with source data from financial systems without requiring manipulation or conversions. SutTax ensures that your taxes are files on time, and even updates the status of your taxes on an easy-to-use dashboard so that you can monitor the workflows.

Need to review your taxes? No problem. SutTax creates a report for every tax processing cycle and logs all taxing jurisdiction's correspondence. Make your tax return filing process easy by doing it electronically, or by paper.

SutTax has created a new industry standard by ranking as the proven industry solution and offering ample support for all major US jurisdictions. The effective and accurate SutTax Compliance automation system is one that many have come to rely on.


SutTax Compliance is the most effective automated solution for your sales tax needs. It provides quick integration and filing confidence, so you know you’ll pay your taxes to the proper authority by the due date. Minimize your overall risk with SutTax Compliance, which removes the risk of human error by automating your filing. 6-years in a row, SutTax has proven reliable and successful, and it’s counted on by small and large businesses alike.
SutTax Compliance Block Diagram

Key Features

  • Substantial Support for all major U.S. Jurisdictions: Generates ready-to-sign tax return documentation straight from sales transaction data. Compatible with electronic or paper-based filing for all federal, state, county, and city jurisdictions, including all product sales and use returns.
  • Automatic Updates: Regular updates of tax rules, rates, and forms for all major U.S. jurisdictions.
  • Integration Capabilities: Ability to adapt data for the most common back-office systems.
  • Tax Rule Customization: Change or customize tax rules without software development or help from IT. Done by professional tax accountants.
  • Total Transparency: Access to your tax workflow cycle is visible and upfront. Get notifications of workflow status, including tax return generation, review, approval, filing, acceptance, and amendment processes.
  • Schedule Query: Generate tax data reports for analysis, audit answers, or customer care.
  • Cloud-based System: Our service is available as a secure software application.


With Avior SutTax Compliance integrated, you’ll be able to:
  • Execute productive tax filing and eliminate the need for any manual data collection with automated preparation and filing processes.
  • Minimize the risk of penalties by removing human error in the tax filing process through automated data validation, comprehensive tax content, and regular content updates.
  • Greatly reduce development time and cost through built-in system integration, data extract tools, comprehensive jurisdiction support, and flexible workflow-based architecture.
  • Save time and reduce cost with built-in back-office system integration, data collection tools, jurisdiction support, and relevant workflow-based architecture.
  • Easily expand to new areas, add new transaction types, and support any customer base with effortless business flexibility.
  • Minimize IT costs by eliminating the need for IT development, maintenance, and support for tax reporting.
  • Remove the need for IT development, maintenance, and support for your taxes.